Quality Matters
We are passionate about ensuring that every individual we support has the best life possible. Whether we support someone for a couple of hours a week or all day, every day, we do all we can to deliver empowering services that support people’s lifestyle choices, needs, wishes and aspirations.
We take a positive approach to risk management, ensuring that our people can make choices about their lives and how they live, whilst maximising independence and minimising any potential hazards.
Our philosophy of empowerment, independence, dignity and rights balanced with responsibility, underpins everything that we do and ensures we remain focussed on what matters most – the people we support.
Our governance framework spans everything from recruiting the right people to the comprehensive suite of audits we have in place to ensure we continually measure and improve on quality outcomes. We place our emphasis on customer satisfaction and we regularly canvass for feedback on how we are doing.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the regulator for Health and Social Care services in England. The CQC carry out inspections at a frequency that reflects their degree of concern for the quality or safety of a particular service.
There are five “Domains” upon which inspections are based.
Our outcomes in the domains were:
SAFE – Good